Usually we start either talking by phone or meeting in person for about thirty minutes to see if we are a good fit. When you are ready, we can choose from the variety of services described on this website, either singly or by package.
Pricing is determined by the level of the service, as well as the number of times we agree to work together. This could be a one-time basis or a series of meetings over a designated period of time. Monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually are popular choices. A year-long program including a variety of services suits many clients.
You will receive the Socially Smart and Savvy book that begins with my chapter "Who Are You?".
A Custom Package can be assembled with any of the services listed from any of the image components of
Appearance, Behavior, Communication and Personal Branding.
These services may be purchased as gift certificates.
The gift certificates provide an easy way for you to present them to employees, clients, as well as friends and family members who might enjoy this type of gift for a special occasion.